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Date match was played: 21 Oct 2023


Ends Played: 124

Northamptonshire Score Score Leicestershire
Team 1 Dave Love 27 VS 10 X
Jason Bryan X
John Greaves X
Paul Broderick Steve Wade
Team 2 Ashley Linnell 22 11 X
Richard Mann X
Andy Smith X
Will Walker Martin Allsopp
Team 3 Neil Rolfe 14 17 X
James Robinson X
Conor Bryan X
Gavin Taylor C. Rogers
Team 4 Curtis Johnson 19 23 X
Tom Wheeler X
Danny Walker X
Andrew Manton C. Moore
Team 5 Martyn Fearn 25 14 X
Chris Bland X
Matt Pownall X
Neil McKee Darren Allsop
Team 6 Mick Spear 11 26 X
Cameron Knox X
Adam Pitfield X
Vernon Gearey Les Gillett
118 Total 101

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