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Date match was played: 22 Oct 2023


EXONIA Shots Pts Pts Shots TORBAY
2W singles Nicole Rogers 21 2 VS 0 18 Sue Bywaters
2W singles Scott Eveleigh 21 2 0 15 Rob Honeywell
Pairs Cassidy Hampton 22 4 0 12 Sarah Vinnicombe
Ian Bond Alan Bowden
Triples Lauren Selway 21 4 0 18 T Darnell
Simon Broom Sean Howard
James Hampton Shaun Grice
Fours Nicki Parsons 12 0 4 15 Kate Asher
Helen Ellis S Coffield
Mark Perott Dave Vinnicombe
Kev Philips Geoff Coffield
97 12 Total 4 78

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