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Date match was played: 19 Nov 2023

Venue: not set

EGHAM Shots Pts Pts Shots WEY VALLEY
2W singles P.Clarke 21 2 VS 0 9 Pamela Pearce
2W singles G.Adams 21 2 0 9 Rodney Morrison
Pairs Y.Hasan 12 0 4 13 Jackie Cornwell
I.Jenkins Andrew Richardson
Triples D.Hankin 20 4 0 10 Tony Fry
C.Souter Carolyne Stevens
S.Tuohy Ian Ross
Fours A.Donohue 22 4 0 8 Barbara Crooke
H.Tuohy Eileen Crawley
G.Clarke Chris Maguire
B.Jenkins David Thomas
96 12 Total 4 49

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