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Date match was played: 09 Dec 2023

Venue: not set

Team 1 I Morton 12 VS 21 Rita Fraser
T Ciaff Ursula Wharf
W Ridley Lisa Bedward
A Rapley Di Double
Team 2 E Putnam 19 18 Sharmishta Patel
B Nunn Glynis Atkins
K Payne Gill Gawne
D Hankin Margaret Smith
Team 3 Y Hassan 29 10 Jane Castle
S Elgar Sheila Ayling
C Walters Teresa Cobb
P Clarke Carol McGrail
Team 4 A Donoghue 22 10 Penny Coombs
M Beales Carole Calder
H Tuohy Julia Cheeseman
K Jenkins Maureen Vandrau
82 Total 59

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