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Date match was played: 21 Oct 2023

Venue: not set

Ends Played: 84

Team 1 G Cashmore 21 VS 21 J Mills
T Chapman B Smith
R Wood B Weston
M Keeling K Mason
Team 2 R Hinkley 14 23 I Amos
A Burrows N Carter
A Smith C Chapman
M Mattinson O Fowler
Team 3 P Cotter 15 30 J Henfrey
T Knowles F Miracco
N Sanden G Tubb
K Gordon E Mason
Team 4 K Lakin 20 23 G Sampson
P Kitchener A Fowler
S Howes G Howes
M Keech D Sands
70 Total 97

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