Competitions Portal
Anne Bernard (ISLE OF WIGHT A)(Challenger)VBYE
Anne Bernard (ISLE OF WIGHT A)(Challenger)15 - 21Darren Griffith (ISLE OF WIGHT B)
Darren Griffith (ISLE OF WIGHT B)(Challenger)31 - 10Terry Carline (WORTHING)
Darren Griffith (ISLE OF WIGHT B)(Challenger)18 - 9Simon Pettingel (GRATTONS (CRAWLEY) B)
Darren Griffith (ISLE OF WIGHT B)(Challenger)17 - 12Stuart Holland (FALAISE D)
Darren Griffith (ISLE OF WIGHT B)(Challenger)VBYE
Terry Carline (WORTHING)(Challenger)VBYE
Terry Carline (WORTHING)(Challenger)21 - 11Simon Davey (WORTHING PAVILION B)
Simon Davey (WORTHING PAVILION B)(Challenger)VBYE
Terry Honnor (ADUR B)(Challenger)VBYE
Terry Honnor (ADUR B)(Challenger)10 - 20Chris Wilkins (GRATTONS (CRAWLEY) C)
Chris Wilkins (GRATTONS (CRAWLEY) C)(Challenger)5 - 27Simon Pettingel (GRATTONS (CRAWLEY) B)
Chris Wilkins (GRATTONS (CRAWLEY) C)(Challenger)18 - 12Andy Spencer (DENTON ISLAND)
Andy Smalldridge (PRESTON B)(Challenger)W/ODavid Richardson (GRATTONS (CRAWLEY) A)
David Richardson (GRATTONS (CRAWLEY) A)(Challenger)19 - 15Simon Pettingel (GRATTONS (CRAWLEY) B)
Steve Ireland (EASTBOURNE & DISTRICT)(Challenger)14 - 12Simon Pettingel (GRATTONS (CRAWLEY) B)
Stuart Logan (WORTHING PAVILION A)(Challenger)7 - 22Ricky Watkinson (ADUR C)
Ricky Watkinson (ADUR C)(Challenger)9 - 23Clare Stevens (ADUR A)
Clare Stevens (ADUR A)(Challenger)18 - 20Stephen Bain (EASTBOURNE & DISTRICT)
Clare Stevens (ADUR A)(Challenger)9 - 19Stuart Holland (FALAISE D)
Clare Stevens (ADUR A)(Challenger)VBYE
Stephen Bain (EASTBOURNE & DISTRICT)(Challenger)VBYE
Stephen Bain (EASTBOURNE & DISTRICT)(Challenger)2 - 0Darren James (FALAISE C)
Darren James (FALAISE C)(Challenger)VBYE
Martin Heitzman (FALAISE A)(Challenger)VBYE
Martin Heitzman (FALAISE A)(Challenger)13 - 16Trevor Roberts (FALAISE B)
Trevor Roberts (FALAISE B)(Challenger)9 - 17Stuart Holland (FALAISE D)
Trevor Roberts (FALAISE B)(Challenger)VBYE
Jack Till (GULLIVERS)(Challenger)VBYE
Jack Till (GULLIVERS)(Challenger)15 - 18Stuart Holland (FALAISE D)
Stuart Holland (FALAISE D)(Challenger)VBYE
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