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Date match was played: 21 Nov 2023

Venue: not set

Kent Score Score Essex
Team 1 X 8 VS 25 R Spriggs
X P Brandon
X S Mahoney
G Standley B Henry
Team 2 X 17 20 A Sales
X M Jackson
X S Pickford
B Crittle T Mould
Team 3 X 6 35 J Stewart
X G Easterbrook
X D Betts
B Bond J Andrews
Team 4 X 17 22 T Dale
X M King
X D McCathie
R Herridge J Anderson
Team 5 X 11 20 B O'Connor
X W Nelson
X D Cook
D Ferguson J Oakes
Team 6 X 28 13 I Barker
X A Allan
X F Abbott
G Charlton A Swann
87 Total 135

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