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Date match was played: 20 Feb 2024

Venue: MOONFLEET 2000

Ends Played: 126

Surrey Score Score Devon
Team 1 Ian Trotter 20 VS 22 P Hackett
Joe Smith R Gilpin
Gary Taylor C Coffield
Tony Doyle A Bowden
Team 2 Pat McCaffrey 20 17 P Daley
Carl Taylor K Lichfield
Neville Utton A Chapman
Chris Cranham R Penfold
Team 3 Peter Salmon 14 15 R Avent
Rob Ciaff P Wade
Richard Simioni D Singleton
John Guinnard M Avent
Team 4 Ricky Corne 15 18 P Stone
Alistair McNicol P Goodwin
Chris Jones G Howland
David McCallum G Lawrence
Team 5 David Ewins 16 14 D Vinnicombe
Mike Parlour R Honeywell
John Kenton B Condon
Ian Ross N Coad
Team 6 Andrew Newell 17 13 J Berry
Chris Maguire G Bellamy
John Carey D Mallett
Mike Lambert S Evans
102 Total 99

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