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Date match was played: 22 Oct 2023

Venue: HERTS

Ends Played: 18

HERTS Shots Pts Pts Shots CENTURY
2W singles L. Hall 21 2 VS 0 5 K. Moohan
2W singles P. Saggers 12 0 2 21 J. Lyttle
Pairs A. Hurst 18 4 0 15 Kathleen Lyttle
S. Keenan T. Smith
Triples R. Chunn 10 0 4 19 Mary Oliver
C. Bishop Noel O’Shea
P.Fuller Roger Milton
Fours M. Obee 20 4 0 15 Chris Peiper
J. Wright S. Adams
N. Roberts Rod Fraser
C. Gray Frank Oliver
81 10 Total 6 75

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