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Date match was played: 04 Nov 2023

Venue: HERGA

Ends Played: 18

Team 1 P Rands 19 VS 14 R Gadd
P Lavender C Baker
G Norton A Lam
B Elbourne N O’Shea
Team 2 T Paulley 5 30 N Zelenovic
J Waller S Reilly
D Drake R Fraser
C Daykin P Wilcock
Team 3 S Flain 12 28 J Wilson
M Meghani J Lyttle
B Hearn G Schimmins
G Welch D Baxter
Team 4 M Mascarenhas 8 21 N Sutherland-Payne
A Muzlish S Mehar
A Georgiou I Shieh
H Leonidas R Milton
44 Total 93

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