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Date match was played: 18 Nov 2023

Venue: not set

Ends Played: 41

Team 1 R Gadd 18 VS 16 I Palmeri
C Baker N Bull
A Lam D Thomas
N O’Shea J Scott
Team 2 N Zelenovic 16 23 M Parlour
S Reilly M Tuck
Name Not Known M Godfrey
Not Known D Hill
Team 3 Sutherland Payne 17 17 I Trotter
S Mehar M Barwell
R Milton N Tovell
T Smith R Siminoi
Team 4 G Gregory 16 22 H Dhillon
R Fraser R Wooster
J Lyttis N Winter
P Wilcock J Guinnard
67 Total 78

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